Welcome to Geetanagar College

Governing Body Of The College:

President Dr. Homeswar Kalita, Principal, Gauhati Commerce College
Secretary Dr. Satyajit Kalita,Principal, Kanya Mahavidyalaya
Advisors Dr. Hitesh Deka, Ex-VC, MSS University
Mr. Dilip Kalita, Indusrialist and Social Leader
Mr. Dilip Sarma, Ex-Executive Engineer, PWD, Assam
University Nominee Dr. Purna Bhattacharjee, Ex-Associate Professor, Gauhati Commerce College
Dr. Sushil Kumar Sarma, Associate Professor, Guwahati College
Donor Member Dr. Aparna Bujarbarua, Ex-Associate Professor, Cotton College
Guardian Members Smt. Bhanu Boro
Sjt. Phanidra Talukdar
Sjt. Phanindra Nath Chakraborty
Members( Teacher Representive) Mrs. Marami Choudhury, HOD, Deptt. of Assamese
Mrs. RekhaMoni Kalita, HOD, Deptt. of Philosophy
Member(Non-Teaching) Mr. Hemanta Kumar Bardalai, Senior Assistant
Member(Librarian) Mrs. Archana Deka

Duties of the Governing Body

(As per “The Assam Provincialised Colleges and Assam Non-Government College Management Rules, 2001”)

In general, the following are earmarked as duties of a Governing Body in respect of Colleges: -

  1. to undertake financial management of the College, to utilise the Grants-in-Aid received from the State Government, University Grants Commission and any fund collected as authorised subscriptions and fund received as fees from the students for the academic purpose of the Colleges, including payment of salary etc. to the Teaching and non-teaching staff of the College.
  2. to arrange for the maintenance of the College building, furniture and equipment as required, including playground, auditorium, libraries etc.
  3. to grant leave to the teaching and non-teaching staff subject to the existing leave rules to grant leave, other than casual leave and arrangement made to fill up the vacancies, should be reported to Director and to concerned affiliating University.
  4. to appoint persons in connection with the affairs of the College against the post or posts so sanctioned by the State Govt, with scrupulous compliance of the University Grants Commission guidelines and State Government instructions and policies.
  5. to arrange for half-yearly internal audit for all College funds and verification of stocks, furniture and other assets.
  6. to submit annual audited accounts preferably audited by a Chartered Accountant latest by thirtieth June of every year, in respect of the proceeding financial year.
  7. to reply to audit objections or inspection notes on the Accounts of the College audited or inspected by the Inspector / Auditor of the Education Department / Director of Local Audit, Assam and the Accountant General, Assam.
  8. to submit annual report with statistics in respect of the enrolment of students stream-wise, subject-wise, result, teaching days held, performance of Lecturers in an academic session, to the Director and to the affiliating University concerned.
  9. to oversee the functioning of the disbursing officer in disbursing the stipend / scholarship sanctioned to the students in time, as well as to strive for preservation of an excellent academic standard of the College.
  10. except scholarship money and students union fund all other funds of the College shall be jointly operated by the Secretary and the President, where the President is not willing to operate the funds jointly, the Governing Body may appoint one Treasurer from amongst the members for the purpose of joint operation of the College funds.
  11. with the approval of the Governing Body, the Secretary shall utilise the grants for the purpose for which it is sanctioned and submit the Utilisation Certificate to the concerned sanctioning authority in time, with intimation to the Director.
  12. the Secretary shall disburse the deficit Grants-in-Aid sanctioned by the Director towards the salary of teaching and non-teaching sanctioned staff of the College within a week from the date of the receipt of the grants.
  13. if any excess amount of Grants-in-Aid sanctioned towards the salary the excess amount shall be refunded to the Director by the Secretary immediately.
  14. To decide on the quantum of tuition fee and any other fund to be charged from the students.

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